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Vereinigtes Königreich - Kinderpatenschaft


Wir sind absolut begeistert, dass Gott Ihnen die Patenschaft für ein Kind ans Herz gelegt hat. Nur weil Gott wunderbare Menschen wie Sie einsetzt, können diese Kinder ihr volles Potenzial entfalten. Pate zu werden ist ein Kinderspiel, das verspreche ich. Folgen Sie einfach den Anweisungen unten.

Gott segne Sie!

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Standing Order {This is the most efficient way}:

Set this up with your bank to send your support directly to our UK charity Kingdom Supplies.

Bank: Barclays    
Account name: Living Water Village
Sort code: 20-42-58   
Account: 13579328

Reference: Sponsor child’s name (+ ID number if known) or any other specific project or ‘General Fund’.


If you are a UK tax payer, please complete and sign the Gift Aid Declaration Form and post it to Kingdom Supplies (see address on top of the letter).  Please do this even if you don’t pay the appropriate income tax so that we can update our database with your full contact details and have your consent to do this.

Direct Debit:

Open or use your existing Stewardship account by going to

Click on the Give Monthly button and Select “Living Waters Village - Child Sponsorship” as the project. Write child/youth’s name and (if known) ID number in the Donation Details section.
(You must also tick the "Add Gift Aid" box to assign the Gift Aid to Living Waters Village, if you are a UK tax payer.) 


Write your cheque out to Living Waters Village and send it to:
Kingdom Supplies  

20 Priory Close 

Pilgrims Hatch, BRENTWOOD  

Essex CM15 9PZ 

Please write on the back of the cheque what the donation is for (e.g. Child support + name child, General Fund, etc.)

If you are a UK tax payer, please complete and sign the Gift Aid Declaration Form and post it together with your first cheque.

Any questions? Please send an e-mail to

„Zustimmung für bestehende Unterstützer über Stewardship“ – Für die Option Lastschrift

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