Visit LWV
Be Ready, Be Open, Be Changed!
Want to join us at Living Waters Village?
We warmly welcome visitors and volunteers from all over the world to be part of our incredible work. Whether you can stay for three days or a year, your support makes a huge difference. From playing with children and sharing your faith to lending a hand with practical tasks, there's a role for everyone.
We've hosted people from England, Holland, Singapore, America, Australia, and beyond. No matter where you're from, we'd love to meet you!
Interested in volunteering?
Check out our FAQ page for answers to common questions. If you still have queries, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly team. We can't wait to hear from you!
Possible volunteer activities include:
Childcare: playing games, crafts, sports, homework help, preschool activities
Sharing your faith: testimonies, prayer mornings
General support: helping with daily life at the village
Physical Contribution: Getting Hands-On with helping out on some of our Building Projects.

"Totally blown away by my time in Living Waters Village! Working with the kids was the best. Felt so close to God in that amazing jungle setting. Learned a ton about myself and my faith. Excited to share with people what God is doing!"

"This Borneo trip was life-changing! Helping kids discover God's love was incredible, and I learnt so much in my own walk with Jesus. The jungle was wild and beautiful. Definitely had some crazy adventures! Swimming in the river with rubber rings was incredible."

"I had an amazing time serving. The kids were so much fun to be around. My faith grew stronger every day. Learned heaps about different cultures and the environment. I still can't get over the smiles I received when I arrived by the kids."

"I loved every moment.. even the waking up at 5am part! It was just so lovely, a huge family that I can be part of now!"

I went to LWV for my gap year before starting University in Holland. I just wanted to stay! Life is so different there and God's presence is so real. Love you all!"

"I can't thank you all enough! I was only in LWV for 3 weeks but they were life changing. I got to know God in a whole new way that I have never experienced Him like in Singapore. It was amazing. My highlight was the Easter drama, the children did a reenactment of Christ's crucifixion. Mind blowing."

"My trip really made me re-think my priorites in life. What is really important. These children are so full of and God's love, yet come from such sad backgrounds. God is so good."

"Borneo was a crazy adventure. Working with the kids was the highlight. My faith grew stronger every day. I'll never forget the experiences I had."

"Living Waters Village family!"